Effectiveness Evaluation
EMBIO actinoPLUS tested in three different settings to evaluate effectiveness of the product: Laboratory, Nursery & Field. It was proven scientifically to be able to prevent Ganoderma disease in oil palm plantations, based on laboratory, nursery and field studies (Idris et al., 2013, 2014).

In Vitro Testing
On the 7th day after incubationwith ActinoPlus, Ganoderma hyphae did not grow. GanoSA1 in EMBIOTM actinoPLUS Inhibited Ganoderma with 100% Percent Inhibition of Radial Growth (PIRG)

(Left: Ganoderma control plate, middle: vermiculite+biochar control plate, right: EMBIOTM actinoPLUS plate)
Nursery Testing 1
effects of EMBIOTM actinoPLUS on the vegetative growth of oil palm seedlings @ MPOB-UKM Research Station, Bangi, Selangor:
Two treatments were evaluated with 30 seedlings per treatment. Seedlings treated with actinoPLUS applied monthly interval (9 applications, 50 g/seedling/application; at 4 to 12 months old seedling).
After 9 months of application, significant different between untreated and treated seedlings were recorded, for total no. of fronds production, seedling height and leaf areas.

Left: Seedling treated with EMBIO actinoPLUS showing improvement in vegetative growth; Right: Untreated Seedlings

Left: Seedling treated with EMBIO actinoPLUS showing improvement in vegetative growth; Right: Untreated Seedlings

Nursery Testing 2
The effectiveness of EMBIOTM actinoPLUS in controlling Ganoderma disease in oil palm was evaluated @ MPOB Teluk Intan Research Station, Perak
Two treatments were evaluated with 30 seedlings per treatment over a 12 month period (1 year). Seedlings treated with actinoPLUS applied 4 times (at 3, 4, 7 and 10 month old, 50g/seedling/ application). Seedlings were inoculated with G. boninense using rubber wood block (RWB) sitting technique. Effectiveness was measured against:
Disease incidence (DI)
Severity of foliar symptoms (SFS)
Dead seedlings (DS)​
After 8 months of inoculation, seedlings treated with actinoPLUS significantly lower disease incidence and dead due to Ganoderma infection. BSR disease was reduced 65.2% in seedlings treated with actinoPLUS.

Field Testing
effects of EMBIOTM actinoPLUS in controlling Ganoderma disease in field planted oil palm @ MPOB Teluk Intan Research Station, Perak
Seedling Baiting Technique
Two treatments were evaluated with 30 seedlings per treatment over a 36 month period (3 years).
Twelve-month old seedlings were planted 35 cm away from Ganoderma-infected stump.
Seedling treated with actinoPLUS applied 4 times (at 4, 7 and 10 month old, at 50g/seedling/ application; and in planting hole, at 250 g/hole)).
Conventional practices were maintained as usual during this period
After 30 months of planting, no symptom of BSR disease and dead palm was observed on seedling treated with actinoPLUS. About 23.3% of the untreated seedlings were dead due to Ganoderma infection.
On the 36th month, about 75.0% (45 out of 60 palms) of the untreated seedlings (as control) were dead due to Ganoderma infection

A replanting of 1260 Oil Palms seedlings were undertaken in MPOB research station in Teluk Intan in 2015 and is currently in its 8th year of monitoring in 2023.
Previous cycle had an estimate of 50% Ganoderma disease incidence & is on Peat Soil.
1001 seedlings were treated with EMBIO actinoPLUS whilst the remaining 259 seedlings were considered the control portion of this research (untreated seedlings).
Conventional practices were maintained as usual during this period
On the 3rd year after replanting, untreated seedlings started showing signs of infection and the rate of infection grew exponentially over the following years til about 4% in 2023 with the latest census for the 8th year.
However, only 2 of treated seedlings (out of 1001) were reported infected by the 6th year after replanting. By the 8th year, this number grew slightly to a mere 1.3%.

The performance of GanoSA1 against Ganoderma disease in field-planted oil palm a) seedlings treated with EMBIO actinoPLUS powder, b) seedlings untreated (control) showing one-sided yellowing of the leaves symptoms and c) seedlings untreated (control) showing necrotic leaves 12 months after planting (MAP) using the seedling baiting technique